
Dramska dejavnost Ljubljanskega kolegija Družbe Jezusove (1596–1773)

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Monika Deželak Trojar

ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede

POVZETEK: Podoktorski raziskovalni projekt Jezuitske gledališke igre kot dejavnik razvoja novoveške dramatike: slovenski in srednjeevropski kontekst (Jesuit Plays as a Factor in the Development of Early Modern Drama: The Slovenian and Central European Context) raziskuje jezuitsko gledališče kot eno najuspešnejših in trdoživih gledaliških institucij evropskega zgodnjega novega veka (od ok. 1555 do 1773). Tudi v kulturnem razvoju na Slovenskem je jezuitska dramska dejavnost odigrala pomembno vlogo, a ji pregledi slovenske dramatike doslej niso namenili veliko pozornosti. Glavni cilj projekta je bil z iskanjem, evidentiranjem ter podrobno analizo primarnih virov in s primerjalnim upoštevanjem širšega srednjeevropskega konteksta pokazati, da jezuitska dramatika in gledališče sodita med pomembnejše dejavnike razvoja gledališča na Slovenskem. (Raziskava se je poglobila v jezuitsko programsko in teoretsko opredelitev gledališke dejavnosti. Zaobjela je obe glavni pojavni obliki jezuitske dramatike, šolske in verske predstave. Pozorna je bila na tematiko in žanrsko tipologijo uprizorjenih dram, priložnosti, ob katerih so se uprizarjale, na ugotavljanje avtorstva in na vprašanje rabe ljudskega (tj. nemškega in slovenskega) jezika v pretežno latinskem jezuitskem gledališču. Osredotočila se je na raziskovanje jezuitske dramske dejavnosti v Ljubljani. Ob tem je bil pogled uprt tudi v ugotavljanje povezav z gledališko dejavnostjo drugih kolegijev tedanje Avstrijske jezuitske province, zlasti s sosednjimi kolegiji (Gradec, Celovec, Gorica in Trst) in seveda z njenim središčem na Dunaju.)

ABSTRACT: The postdoctoral research project Jesuit Plays as a Factor in the Development of Early Modern Drama: The Slovenian and Central European Context explores Jesuit theatre as one of the most successful and enduring theatre institutions of the European early modern period (from c. 1555 to 1773). Jesuit dramatic and theatre work also played an important part in cultural development of the Slovenian ethnic territory. However, overviews of Slovenian drama have so far devoted little attention to it. Through searching for primary sources, inventorying them and analysing them in detail and by taking into account comparisons with broader Central European contexts, the main goal of the project was to prove that Jesuit drama and theatre belong to the most important factors of theatre history in Slovenia. (The research delved into Jesuit programmatic texts and their theoretical views on theatre. It encompassed both main types of Jesuits plays, i.e. school and religious performances. The study paid attention to the themes and genre typology of the performed plays, the occasions when they were performed, identification of authors and the issue of the use of the (German and Slovenian) vernacular in the predominantly Latin Jesuit theatre. The research focussed on investigating Jesuit dramatic activities in Ljubljana, while also taking a look at identifying the links with the theatre activities of the other colleges of the then Austrian Jesuit Province, especially with the neighbouring colleges (Graz, Klagenfurt, Gorizia and Trieste), and naturally with Vienna as their centre.)